Dear Caring Adults,
Summer is here and school is just about to be out! Kudos to those of you who have already had some time to make a few plans for the summer. I’mย about to share some cost effective things that you can add to what you already have. To those of you who haven’t had the chance to make plans yet, that’s totally fine; here are some ideas that you can start building your summer activity list with.
Looking to have your child connect a bit more with nature? Spending time outdoors is crucial to our overall health and wellness it is extremely important to get outside as often as you can with your Lovely Learners. Evergreen offers an outdoor experience of loosely guided play free of charge. The program runs every Saturday and some Sundays all summer! 

Although our Lovely Learners are having a much needed break from their formal, academic settings; keeping the idea of learning alive even when they’re not in the official classroom is still an okay thing to do! This adds variety to their daily activity during their time off. A week or two of summer camp where they can learn something new or build on a skill that they already have is something awesome to consider. The French Tutor is offering a fun filled French language camp which would be loads of fun!

The City of Toronto has implemented free admissions to the history museums. Why not take a trip to one and see what new things you and your littles can learn together?

Not only is it important to learn about other cultures but it is equally as important to remain rooted in your own. A great way to do this is to attend the various food and culture festivals that are held across The Greater Toronto Area. In the spirit of encouraging you to ensure that your child is immersed in some Black culture this summer, here’s some information about a couple events that I’ve attended and enjoyed in the past.
Afrofest is a lovely outdoor festival that showcases food, art, music and apparel which gives us a taste of what the countries on the continent of Africa have to offer. The festival runs for three days and is definitely something worth attending! 

The Toronto Junior Carnival and Family Day also known as Kiddie’s Carnival is an amazing display of a facet of Caribbean culture. This is a mini representation of what traditional Caribbean carnivals are like and is the cutest thing to see children decked out in their masquerader costumes as they dance in their mas sections.

The below link offers a list of additional events to attend with the whole family. 

I’d absolutely love to hear what things you have in mind for the summer and really looking forward to running into any of you this summer because I will definitely be exploring if not all, most of the above events this summer.
Until next time!
Love, light & smiles from your favourite Caring Adult,
~Ms. Love
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